Day One: Being a Healthier Author

My journey back to "healthy" starts today.

Some people may not know this about me, but I used to be a professional athlete. From my own personal experience, I can tell you that it is quite a huge career change to become a writer. Not at all in the mental challenges, but very much so in the physical requirements. These two pictures of myself tell the story, along with my current weight. I used to play beach volleyball and indoor volleyball at 200-220 pounds.

I do not post this to make a point of weight being tied to health. It isn't, it is just a convenient measuring tool! I make this post because my lifestyle is what has changed and my weight is a by-product of that. I will be sharing with anyone interested a multitude of adjustments that I make or have made on this endeavor. So, stay tuned

My one and only goal is to share with you my journey back to feeling healthier. On my journey back to playing a sport I still love. Albeit at a much more fun and recreational level...

My first goals:

  • Improve my office setup.

  • Be more active (8000 Steps or equivalent a day)

  • Improve my nutrition

  • Lower my weight below 270 lbs

Come join me!

Any advice or tips are always welcome.


Day 4: Being a Healthier Author


Day 2: Being a Healthier Author